By Cheryl Wilcox
Affectionately known as "Grandma Cherbear"!

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Kim's Haloween House 2011

"Kim, where is your pattern?"
Roof Top
Roof Top
"Hey, I think I'm still in one piece!"
"Is it safe out there?"
"Ooh, a spider web!"
"Yep, I'm still here!"
"Aah, cute!"
"Ooh, a spider web AND a spider!"
"Awesome Roof"
"Peek-a-Boo! I see you! By the way, is it safe to come out yet?"
"I am so cute I have to show myself again! Oh, and look at the tree. Guess what it is made from."
These are witches shoes that didn't make it on the house but aren't they so adorable? They were going to be poking out of a window or somewhere.  There is a chance this witch still might try to fly through!