By Cheryl Wilcox
Affectionately known as "Grandma Cherbear"!

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Kimberly Wilcox White

Kimberly’s favorite kind of houses to create are Halloween houses!  She say’s it is because it doesn’t matter if it not level or if the pieces don’t fit. Her motto is: “It’s OK, it’s a Halloween house!”.  Also, she doesn’t like using a pattern! Once I watched her spend time drawing up a wonderful, functional pattern for her “Spooky” house, cut it out, roll out the dough, put a pattern piece on, look at it for a second, then take it off, throw the pattern away and just started cutting the dough which ever way her mind  directed!  It was a huge 2 level mansion that opened up in the back to display the haunted inside.  On the wall was a framed 3D picture of Frankenstein with his arm sticking out, pointing his finger at someone.  And much much more to entertain the “spirit of spooky”.  It didn’t get done for Halloween, so it turned into a spooky Halloween/Christmas house. It was amazing.  I can’t believe that we didn’t get a picture of it. Oh, how I love to watch her create!

Kim is an artist and loves to draw and paint. She enjoys music and loves to play the guitar. She enjoys spending time with her family and extended family. She is so genuine and sincere and service oriented. Everyone loves to be around her because of her calm, gentle, uplifting, just plain fun personality. We love you Kim! 

Kim's Haloween House 2011

"Kim, where is your pattern?"
Roof Top
Roof Top
"Hey, I think I'm still in one piece!"
"Is it safe out there?"
"Ooh, a spider web!"
"Yep, I'm still here!"
"Aah, cute!"
"Ooh, a spider web AND a spider!"
"Awesome Roof"
"Peek-a-Boo! I see you! By the way, is it safe to come out yet?"
"I am so cute I have to show myself again! Oh, and look at the tree. Guess what it is made from."
These are witches shoes that didn't make it on the house but aren't they so adorable? They were going to be poking out of a window or somewhere.  There is a chance this witch still might try to fly through!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Sheep Shang-ri-la / Christmas 2011 / Kim and Cheryl

Other Side
Weather Vain with North, South, East and West

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

These are a few of the bird houses Jeannie and I made for the table center pieces at Kim's wedding in October of 2008.

See how blissfully happy we are when we play Gingerbread House!

"Orange Retreat"

"The Love Barn"
"Carrot Cove"